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Gift Planning
Be Part of the Future of Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University
If animals are part of your family, and Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine holds special meaning in your life, we invite you to consider the array of options in planned giving. You can establish planned gifts that leave a lasting personal legacy, supports excellence in veterinary education and clinical service, and, even accomplishes personal financial goals and objectives.
The Gift Planning Office is here to work with you, your family and your advisers to help you create a plan that meets both your financial and philanthropic goals.

A bequest allows you to make a long-term commitment without affecting your current standard of living. You can provide for the future of the veterinary school by naming Cummings School as a beneficiary of a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate. You may choose to support a particular fund or program at Cummings School or your gift may be unrestricted.
Sample Bequest Language
Unrestricted Bequest: “I give ________________ to Trustees of Tufts College, of Medford, Massachusetts, for the general purpose and use of Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University.”
Gift for preferred purpose: “I give ________________ to Trustees of Tufts College, of Medford, Massachusetts, in support of Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. It is my wish that this gift be specifically used to support [list donor’s specific intent here]. If it becomes inappropriate or impossible to accomplish this purpose of the gift as described herein, then the dean of Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine may designate this bequest to be used for the benefit of a substantially similar purpose.”
If you are in the process of creating a will, your attorney may want to know the university’s tax identification number: 04-2103634.
This information is not intended to be legal or tax advice. Please contact your attorney if you are considering this type of gift.
Other Types of Gifts
Charitable IRA Rollover - During December 2015, the Charitable IRA Rollover opportunity was made permanent, allowing individuals 70 ½ and older to transfer up to $100,000 from their IRAs each year to charitable organizations without counting it as taxable income.
Charitable Gift Annuities allow you to make a gift and receive a steady income stream or claim a charitable tax deduction, while also supporting Cummings School.
Charitable Remainder Trusts offer a way to make a meaningful future gift to Cummings School, while simultaneously providing income for life or for a specific term of years for yourself and/or others you name.
Charitable Lead Trusts are individually managed trusts that make payments to Cummings School or another charity for a specified term of years or for the life of one or more individuals.
Gifts of Real Estate may free you from paying real estate taxes, maintenance costs, and insurance, and can result in capital gains tax savings.
Retirement Assets, such as IRAs, 401(k)s, and other qualified plans, provide a very simple way to make a future charitable gift.
Other gift types include Business Interests, Life Insurance, and Pooled Income Funds.
The Charles Tufts Society
Have you already included Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University in your estate plans? Please let us know so we can welcome you to the Charles Tufts Society. For more information on gift planning or to let us know you’ve included Cummings School in your estate plans contact us:
Gift Planning Office
Tanya Rotolo
Associate Director, Gift Planning
Email: tanya.rotolo@tufts.edu
Direct Line: 617-627-3741
Main Line: 617-627-3727
Toll-Free: 888-748-8387
Fax: 617-627-4541
Find us on Facebook
Estate and Trust Distribution
If you are working with an estate or trust that is distributing a gift to Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, please contact the associate director of estate administration, who oversees receipt of all such gifts on behalf of Tufts University:
Yvette M. Story, Esquire
Associate Director, Trusts & Estates
Gift Planning Office
80 George Street
Medford, MA 02155
Email: Yvette.Story@tufts.edu
Direct Line: 617-627-3876
Fax: 617-627-4425