As per Tufts Policy, we require the following vaccinations. All participants must be current on these vaccinations and be able to provide physician’s documentation. If you/your child are missing any of the vaccinations indicated below, please follow up with your physician to ensure you are current prior to May 31. (For attendees of Middle School Session 1 the immunization deadline is March 31.)
Tetanus Diphtheria Acellular Pertussis (Tdap): One dose of the adult Tdap vaccine is required, unless current Td booster is less than 2 years old. If current Td booster is less than 2 years old wait to receive Tdap vaccine. (The Tdap vaccine is effective for ten years—if previous Tdap is from within the past ten years further vaccination is not required.)
Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR): Two doses of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine or positive antibody titers.
Varicella (chickenpox): Physician verification of year of disease, positive antibody titer, or two doses of varicella vaccine.
Hepatitis B: Three doses of hepatitis B vaccine or positive surface antibody titer.
The hepatitis B vaccine is a three-dose series that takes six months to complete. For participants who have not already started the series, documentation for two doses of the vaccine must be submitted by your program immunization deadline.
Meningococcal: One dose of vaccine within five years prior to start date.