In a typical academic year, more than fifty percent of students who apply for aid receive assistance in the form of scholarships, state tuition subsidies, loans, and/or Federal Work-Study funds. Institutional financial aid (need-based grants) is limited to students enrolled in the D.V.M. program. Students enrolled in Cummings School graduate programs are eligible for federal student aid.
Financing the cost of professional education can be challenging. It is the policy of Cummings School that the primary responsibility for meeting this cost belongs to students and their families.
Institutional financial aid and some federal student financial aid programs are awarded based on demonstrated financial need and should be viewed as supplemental to family resources.
Cummings School requires that applicants who wish to be considered for institutional financial aid provide their parents’ financial information. In this way, family financial strength can be assessed and students whose personal and family resources are insufficient to cover expenses can be identified and receive highest priority for aid. Exception to the parental information requirements may be made for students who have been financially independent of their parents for at least five years prior to matriculation at Cummings School. Students who meet these criteria are advised to contact the Financial Aid Office.
Students enrolling in MS Graduate programs and D.V.M. students who wish to be considered for federal aid only (do not need to) submit parents’ financial information.
Eligibility for Aid
Eligibility for financial aid at Cummings School is based on documented financial need. Need is the difference between the cost of tuition and the expected family contribution, as calculated using a standard need-analysis formula. To be eligible for financial aid students must fulfill the following requirements:
- Be a US citizen or an eligible non-citizen.
- Be enrolled in an eligible degree program on at least a half-time basis and maintain satisfactory academic progress.
- Not be in default on a student loan or owe a refund on a federal grant.
Federal student aid programs are available to U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens. International students may determine their eligibility for federal student aid. There are several eligible noncitizen categories, the most common is that of permanent resident.
Financial Aid for Graduate Students
Most of the endowed and annual scholarships listed on the Cummings Veterinary School website are awarded on the basis of need through the Cummings financial aid application process and restricted to students who are enrolled in the DVM program.
In addition to applying for institutional and federal financial aid, students are encouraged to seek scholarship assistance from private sources. The Financial Aid Office has compiled the Outside Scholarship Opportunities list here to assist students in their scholarship search.