Picture of George Saperstein

George Saperstein

Picture of George Saperstein

Research/Areas of Interest

  • Sustainable agriculture.
  • Preservation of germplasm from endangered breeds of livestock.
  • Antibiotic susceptibility diagnostics.
  • Congenital and hereditary diseases of large animals.
  • Staphylococcal mastitis in cows and goats.
  • International veterinary medicine.

Selected Research Projects:

  • Strengthening Regional Collaboration in Animal Disease and Zoonoses in the Middle East, 1999 ­ – 2002. USAID. Involved coordinating efforts of veterinarians and laboratory workers in Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority to harmonize procedures to reduce the prevalence of important infectious diseases of animals in the region.
  • Preservation of Germplasm from Endangered Breeds of Livestock, 2002 – present. Privately funded. Involves collecting and freezing germplasm from endangered breeds of American livestock that possess valuable genetic traits.


  • D.V.M., Kansas State University, 1978


Additional Information

Sustainable Agriculture Program for New England Family Farmers

With funding from the United States Department of Agriculture, Dr. Saperstein is encouraging regional livestock producers to participate in a local premium livestock branded product program aimed at bringing local farmers added revenue streams by changing the way they raise livestock and market their products. Farmers can learn more about this opportunity by checking out the website: azulunabrands.com

Patent Information

Saperstein, G., Antibiotic Sensitivity Test for Pathogenic Organisms Present in Mastitic Milk. Patent No. 5,026,638. Issued June 25, 1991.

Selected Publications and Presentations

  1. Dorosko, S.M, D.M. Thea, G. Saperstein, et. al. Veterinary Field Test as Screening Tool for Mastitis and HIV-1 Viral Load in Breastmilk from HIV-Infected Zambian Women. Breastfeeding Medicine,  2:  172-176, 2007.
  2. Saperstein, G. Congenital Defects and Hereditary Disorders in Ruminants. In Smith, B.P. Large Animal Internal Medicine, 3rd ed., pp. 1465-1555, 2001.
  3. Saperstein, G., Clinical Applications of an Antibiotic Susceptibility Test for Mastitis. Agri-Practice, 14: 25-28, 1993.
  4. Saperstein, G., S. B. Mohanty, D. D. Rockemann, and E. Russek. Effect of Levamisole in Induced Bovine Viral Diarrhea. JAVMA, 183: 425-427, 1983.
  5. Saperstein, G., H. W. Leipold, and S. M. Dennis. Congenital Defects in Sheep. JAVMA, 167: 314-322, 1975.