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Dr. Mark Brown is Professor of Environmental Engineering Sciences and Program Director of the Center for Environmental Policy at the University of Florida. He is also currently Acting Program Director of the Howard T. Odum Center for Wetlands. Professor Brown is a systems ecologist, whose research focuses on several areas that can broadly be described as natural resource management, including systems ecology, wetlands ecology, ecological engineering, environmental policy and energy analysis. He has served as consultant on development and sustainability issues to the USEPA, USAID, UNEP, and numerous governments and private consulting firms worldwide. For six years Dr. Brown was consulting ecologist to The Cousteau Society working with their research teams to develop appropriate solutions to a wide array of resource management problems that affect marine resources throughout the world. Current research includes projects to develop ecological indicators of ecosystem health, sustainable technologies for pollutant removal from surface waters, evaluation of the greenhouse gas emissions from alternative transportation, and modeling the impacts of nutrient enrichment in Florida watersheds. He is the author of over 100 peer reviewed journal articles, 2 books, and 24 book chapters. In his career at UF he has mentored 21 Ph.D. students and 30 master’s degree students.