Annual Research Day Showcases Research Happening Throughout Campus and Abroad Cummings School honors students and faculty for their research achievements
Meet Chelsea Berkowitz, V26 President of Tufts PrideSVMC is deeply committed to volunteering and helping others—both people and animals
Two Students Receive 2024-2025 AKC Scholarships Cummings School scholars among 25 to earn assistance for their studies
V25s Honored in Annual White Coat Ceremony Cummings School tradition marks rite of passage for third-year veterinary students starting clinical rotations
Top Animal Welfare Assessment Honors Second-year D.V.M. student takes individual first place accolades at annual AVMA event
Veterinary Student Pioneer Alissa Jagielski aims to become first graduate of WTHS veterinary assisting program to earn D.V.M. from Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
Professionally Published Equine asthma treatment analysis by fourth-year veterinary student Tyler-Jane Robins appears in 'Animals'