Clinical Care

Katie Calicchio kneels in shallow water with a dog.

A Technician’s Tale

As the general surgery service technician at the Hospital for Large Animals, Katie Calicchio has no shortage of compassion for the patients—or their owners.
Josh Peters poses for a photo.

Seeing Further

As a veterinary technician working in nuclear medicine and CT, Josh Peters has the unique capability to help reveal health issues in animals of all sizes
The Renaud family with their horse, Ruby.

Healing a Fractured Tibia

When a 3-week-old filly was diagnosed with a broken leg, her owners feared the worst. But new technology and veterinary expertise brought them hope.
Pippa the pony standing in front of a fence

Fixing the Plight of a Pony

When Pippa dislocated her hock in a training accident, the injury looked gruesome, but a veterinarian expert in healing fractures was optimistic she could recover.
Headshot of Michael Santasieri

A Voice for the Unsung Heroes

As a vet tech, Michael Santasieri enjoyed teaching. When a new tech training job at the Foster Hospital for Small Animals was created, he knew it was the perfect fit.
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