Welcome Back to the Herd: Claire Dixon

Former resident appointed assistant clinical professor in the Department of Clinical Sciences
a young woman with dark hair tied back in a pony tail wearing a purple 1/4 zip pullover
Claire Dixon, a former resident, was appointed assistant clinical professor in the Department of Clinical Sciences.

A native of the United Kingdom, Claire Dixon was appointed in December as assistant clinical professor in the Department of Clinical Sciences at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, where she previously completed a residency in large animal medicine and later served as an emergency clinician.

Dixon earned a Bachelor of Veterinary Science from the University of Liverpool and a Master of Science in molecular pathology and toxicology from the University of Leicester.

For her residency, colleagues in the UK recommended Cummings School. “Moving here for my residency was my first time in the States and once I got here, I realized it was the right place to be,” she explains. “I enjoyed my time as a resident, and I wished that I could come back later.”

Before landing her current position, she returned to the UK and served as a clinician/lecturer in equine medicine at the University of Glasgow, from which she is pursuing an M.Ed. in academic practice.

“I love the clinical side of being a vet, and during my residency I realized I enjoyed teaching as well. Academia allows me to continue to pursue both. I especially love teaching students when they are so keen and enthusiastic, it brightens my day.”

Dixon admits that returning to Cummings School has an element that “feels like home” and she is thankful to be working again with familiar faces and talented clinicians. “I love working with this team,” she says.

Personally, she is also looking forward to soon being reunited with her husband, Steve, and 18-month-old yellow Labrador, Kenai. She laughs, “I’m not sure who I’m more excited to see.”