Meet Denise Elwart

20 Questions
blue rectangular graphic with number 20 and word 'Questions'
a smiling person with short hair wearing classes, blouse and a v-neck sweater. There is a blue filtered background.

Denise Elwart 
Department Manager, Comparative Pathobiology

  1. How do you start your day? 
    Walking my two dogs, Zoe and Ozzie, and drinking coffee (after walking).
  2. What is on your bucket list?  
    More travel to Europe.
  3. What three words best describe you?  
    Adaptable, determined, and dependable.
  4. If you could time travel, what year(s) would you visit? 
    2100 – I want to see how things have changed at the turn of the next century.
  5. What is your hidden talent? 
    I can move my pinkie toes by themselves.
  6. What book, movie, podcast, show would you recommend? 
    Podcasts: Disney Dish with Jim Hill and The Plot Thickens with TCM’s Ben Mankiewicz.
  7. What is your dream vacation? 
    Disneyland and Disney World are my happy places. Also love the Disney Cruise line.
  8. What or who has had the greatest impact on you? 
    My spouse, Linda. She has been very supportive in my career development, and is the reason I came to Tufts (so thank her or curse her…).
  9. What’s the best advice you ever received? 
    Volunteer for projects – you never know what skills you will learn and where it could lead.
  10. What is your least favorite word or phrase? 
    It’s not my job.
  11. What is your favorite junk food? 
  12. What is your theme song? 
    On the Road Again by Willie Nelson.
  13. Dog or cat or ??  
  14. Who would play you in a movie?  
    Abby McEnany.
  15. What is your favorite season of the year?
  16. What is your favorite color? 
    Spartan Green.
  17. Early bird or night owl? 
    Night owl.
  18. What is your biggest pet peeve?  
    When people don’t pick up after their dogs.
  19. What is your favorite type of surprise?  
    Cards or letters from family and friends.
  20. What or who makes you smile? 
    Dogs and coffee.

