Julia Gardner hugging a honey badger

Julia Gardner, MCM’22

Julia Gardner hugging a honey badger


Hi everyone! My name is Julia Gardner and I am from New York City. I graduated from Brown University in 2021 with a BA in Biology. Before the pandemic, I studied abroad in Cairns, Australia where I learned about and explored Australia’s unique rainforest and reef ecosystems. During the summers after my first and second year of undergrad, I volunteered at the Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in South Africa where I had the opportunity to work closely with a variety of species ranging from raptors to cheetahs. Eventually, I want to work in conservation as a wildlife veterinarian. However, I am open to changing course after learning new paths and skills through the MCM program. Outside of conservation, I love to play sports, specifically soccer, and hike! And, I love to cuddle with my two dogs, Harley and Jax!