A smiling person with short hair holding her dog on her lap.

Jessica Volz, V24



B.A.s in Biology and English, Mount Holyoke College, 1999

Certified Veterinary Technician (CVT)currently licensed in MA

Why did you choose to pursue this degree, and why did you choose Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine to pursue this degree?
I initially started the program about 12 years ago and was unable to complete the final paper due to financial reasons.  I am grateful to have the chance to finish my degree this time around.  I love the program's unique combination of policy with the realities of actual practice that encompasses what I strive to advocate for in the veterinary workplace.  

What are your interests and/or experience relative to the MAPP program?
I work full time as a veterinary technician after a career in Biotech research in the field of Diabetes and Metabolism.  I've worked in veterinary ER/ICU, urgent care, and general practice, in a variety of settings.  I also rescue senior dogs for fun.

What are your career goals after completing the program?
I'd ultimately like to transition to working in policy related to mental health care in the vet med field.  The advent of Not One More Vet and the beginnings of a discussion about the high suicide rate in the veterinary field has started to open up people's minds to the idea that there are things that can be done to alleviate the many unique pressures faced in animal care.  I'd like to develop the NOMV concept for vet techs and support staff as well.