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Preparing for your Behavior Appointment
Taking these steps before your appointment at Tufts Behavior Clinic will ensure the most productive session and the best possible outcome.
As you await your appointment at Tufts Behavior Clinic with Dr. Stephanie Borns-Weil, board-certified veterinary behaviorist at Cummings Veterinary Medical Center at Tufts University, please take the time in advance to prepare for your visit. By taking the steps described here it allows for the most productive session and the best possible outcome.
To prepare for your behavioral consult, plan to do the following:
- Download and complete the appropriate questionnaire.
- Canine Behavior Questionnaire
- Feline Behavior Questionnaire
- For other species, please contact our liaison for appropriate forms. This will capture information, such as basic history, the presenting problem, your pet’s habitat/environment and steps you have taken so far to resolve any issues. Once complete, please email to liaisons@tufts.edu or fax to 508-839-7951. Forms must be submitted before the appointment can be finalized.
- Ask your family veterinarian to submit compete medical records to the Tufts Animal Behavior Clinic. This provides us with information that allows us to rule out medical problems and assess what testing has been done to date. Medical records can be emailed to liaisons@tufts.edu, faxed to 508-839-7951 or submitted online via the link below.
- Referring Veterinarian Records Submission for Behavior
Note: ONLY the primary veterinarian should fill out the above form.
- Referring Veterinarian Records Submission for Behavior
- Plan to bring any training equipment you are currently using or anything you have at home (e.g., leashes, collars, head halters, harnesses, muzzles, etc.)
- Video/Photos
- Any video(s) that you have captured of concerning behaviors are helpful. (However, do not provoke a potentially harmful response for the purpose of video capture. Safety is our first concern.)
- Home surveillance video often works well, if available.
- Photographs of the home can be helpful (i.e., where your pet spends his/her time and the layout of the house/room(s))
- Pictures and videos can be submitted in advance of your appointment by sending to liaisons@tufts.edu or you can bring them with you.
- You should plan to include involved family member(s) and anyone that will assist with your pet’s treatment plan if possible (e.g., dog trainer, extended family members that care for the pet, etc.)
What You Can Expect
You can expect the consult to last 1 ½ – 2 hours. The goal of the initial consult is to determine a diagnosis (diagnoses) and to provide information to guide you in supporting the bond between you and your pet.
Subsequent to your visit, clients receive a detailed treatment plan that summarizes the recommendations made during the consultation. Support via email and phone is provided for four months following your visit.
Foster Hospital for Small Animals