It’s Groundhog Day

Camera traps in wooded areas around campus can catch interesting habits of animals, this time of a groundhog.
Picture of a groundhog in the woods.

With Groundhog Day upon us, again, Chris Whittier V97, research assistant professor of conservation medicine and director of the Cummings School’s master’s program in conservation medicine, updates a January 2019 story in Tufts Now.

“I know that woodchucks (groundhogs) occasionally emerge from hibernation earlier than Groundhog Day (February 2), but to observe one through our camera trap in December was surprising here in Massachusetts. We see woodchucks around campus on camera traps but not as often as expected. This is probably because most of our cameras are in wooded areas whereas woodchucks like to be near fields where they find most of their food.”

Read more: Five Things You Didn’t Know about Groundhogs.