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Dr. Flo Tseng
20 Questions
Flo Tseng, D.V.M.
Associate Dean for Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Climate
- How do you start your day?
The cats wake me up wanting to be fed. I check my phone for Red Sox game scores and the latest news, anticipating the day ahead.
- What is on your bucket list?
I want to visit Antarctica one day and see as many different penguin and albatross species as possible!
- What three words best describe you?
Empathetic, dedicated, hardworking.
- If you could time travel, what year(s) would you visit?
November 6, 2024 – I want to know the election results!
- What is your hidden talent?
Baking fruit pies.
- What book, movie, podcast, show would you recommend?
Dublin Murder Squad Series by Tana French – great literature disguised as detective novels.
- What is your dream vacation?
Antarctica, as I said above, and the boreal forests of Canada are where I want to see a great gray owl in the wild!
- What or who has had the greatest impact on you?
My parents were brave enough to immigrate to the U.S. from China after WWII and establish a new life in a foreign land.
- What’s the best advice you ever received?
“Just keep swimming” (Dory from Finding Nemo).
- What is your least favorite word or phrase?
“I can’t”.
- What is your favorite junk food?
Anything with dark chocolate.
- What is your theme song?
“Imagine” by John Lennon.
- Dog or cat or ??
Both, though I only have two cats right now.
- Who would play you in a movie?
Michelle Yeoh.
- What is your favorite season of the year?
- What is your favorite color?
A combination of purple/gray/blue.
- Early bird or night owl?
I used to be an early bird, but now I like to sleep in once in a while! I’m definitely not a night owl.
- What is your biggest pet peeve?
People who don’t pick up after themselves (literally and figuratively).
- What is your favorite type of surprise?
Seeing a new species of animal that I haven’t seen before in the wild, like a new bird for my life list!
- What or who makes you smile?
My goofy younger cat, Remy, who gets the zoomies and then flips onto her back for a good belly rub.
Dept. of Infectious Disease and Global Health