Dr. Flo Tseng

20 Questions
blue rectangular graphic with number 20 and word 'Questions'
Flo Tseng smiling and has short dark hair. There is a blue filtered background.

Flo Tseng, D.V.M.
Associate Dean for Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Climate

  1. How do you start your day?  
    The cats wake me up wanting to be fed.  I check my phone for Red Sox game scores and the latest news, anticipating the day ahead.
  2. What is on your bucket list? 
    I want to visit Antarctica one day and see as many different penguin and albatross species as possible!
  3. What three words best describe you? 
    Empathetic, dedicated, hardworking.
  4. If you could time travel, what year(s) would you visit? 
    November 6, 2024 – I want to know the election results!
  5. What is your hidden talent?  
    Baking fruit pies.
  6. What book, movie, podcast, show would you recommend?  
    Dublin Murder Squad Series by Tana French – great literature disguised as detective novels.
  7. What is your dream vacation? 
    Antarctica, as I said above, and the boreal forests of Canada are where I want to see a great gray owl in the wild!
  8. What or who has had the greatest impact on you? 
    My parents were brave enough to immigrate to the U.S. from China after WWII and establish a new life in a foreign land.
  9. What’s the best advice you ever received? 
    “Just keep swimming” (Dory from Finding Nemo).
  10. What is your least favorite word or phrase? 
    “I can’t”.
  11. What is your favorite junk food? 
    Anything with dark chocolate.
  12. What is your theme song? 
    “Imagine” by John Lennon.
  13. Dog or cat or ??  
    Both, though I only have two cats right now.
  14. Who would play you in a movie?  
    Michelle Yeoh.
  15. What is your favorite season of the year? 
  16. What is your favorite color? 
    A combination of purple/gray/blue.
  17. Early bird or night owl? 
    I used to be an early bird, but now I like to sleep in once in a while! I’m definitely not a night owl.
  18. What is your biggest pet peeve?  
    People who don’t pick up after themselves (literally and figuratively).
  19. What is your favorite type of surprise? 
    Seeing a new species of animal that I haven’t seen before in the wild, like a new bird for my life list!
  20. What or who makes you smile?  
    My goofy younger cat, Remy, who gets the zoomies and then flips onto her back for a good belly rub.

