Dr. Carrie Wood

20 Questions
blue rectangular graphic with number 20 and word 'Questions'
Dr. Carrie Wood

Carrie Wood, D.V.M., DACVIM (Oncology)
Assistant Clinical Professor, Clinical Sciences

  1. How do you start your day?
    It depends on what part of the start you are referring to. At home, I start my day by feeding my two dogs, who wake me up every day at 5 am–I never need an alarm 😊. After feeding and a short walk, I exercise for 30 to 45 minutes – yoga, Pilates, or strength training. I pack my breakfast and lunch and head to work around 7 am. It takes me about 45 minutes to get to work. 

    At work, I start my day by checking in with the residents and examining any transfers the service has received. From 8 to 9 am, we have educational rounds with the residents (book club or journal club) or topic rounds with the students. At 9 am, our day really starts when we “run the board,” where all the doctors present a concise summary of all patients in the hospital or have an appointment scheduled for that day.
  2. What is on your bucket list?
    I would like to do more equestrian vacations in other parts of the world. I have been to Ireland and Iceland and would love to go to other places. Riding vacations allow me to meet and get to know people from around the world and see parts of the country in ways inaccessible to the average tourist. Ironically, I met a veterinarian from Germany when I was in Iceland. We had lots of fun conversations about our jobs. I would also like to do hiking or kayaking vacations as another unique way to see different countries.
  3. What three words best describe you?
    Thoughtful (meaning I need to think things through), deliberate, calm.
  4. If you could time travel, what year(s) would you visit?
    To be honest, as a woman I really wouldn’t want to go back in time. Women have historically been subject to exploitation and are allowed very few rights second only to people of color. During my lifetime, women have gained more freedom, but these rights are constantly under threat.
  5. What is your hidden talent?
    I enjoy making beer and herbal extracts when I have time.
  6. What book, movie, podcast, or show would you recommend?
    Conan O’Brien needs a friend podcast.
  7. What is your dream vacation?
    Horseback riding in other countries (see above)
  8. What or who has had the greatest impact on you?
    My mentors and colleagues in veterinary oncology.
  9. What’s the best advice you ever received?
    Let it go.
  10. What is your least favorite word or phrase?
    We didn’t want to bother you.
  11. What is your favorite junk food?
    Dark chocolate.
  12. What is your theme song?
    Currently, anything by Noah Kahan.
  13. Dog or cat or ??
    Both – I currently have dogs, but many times, my only pets have been cats.  I love them    equally as pets, but dogs are better cancer patients.  Sadly, cats do not tolerate treatment as well as dogs, and many of their cancers are more aggressive.
  14. Who would play you in a movie?
    Zooey Deschanel.
  15. What is your favorite season of the year?
  16. What is your favorite color?
    Midnight blue.
  17. Early bird or night owl?
    I was born a night owl, but my lifestyle has turned me into an early bird.
  18. What is your biggest pet peeve?
    People driving who try to wave you through on a turn when they have the right of way – it’s so dangerous, and I am fine with waiting until the traffic clears.
  19. What is your favorite type of surprise?
    A surprise thank you card or gift from a grateful owner.
  20. What or who makes you smile?
    My family, including all our animals.

