

Who We Are

Tufts Veterinary Field Service is a mixed, large animal veterinary practice with a joint focus on clinical service (preventing and treating illness) and teaching aspiring veterinary students from Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. Based in Woodstock, CT, our faculty and staff care for nearly 55,000 animals annually: including.  approximately 49,000 bovines on over 70 dairy farms, 2,700 equines, and 2,500 small ruminants.

What We Do

Teaching and service are core to our mission.  Our faculty promotes the health and well-being of farm animals through prevention and treatment of disease, enhances the viability and sustainability of livestock-based farms and develops veterinary students’ knowledge of large animal medicine.

How We're Different

As one of the seven hospitals and clinics comprising Cummings Veterinary Medical Center, faculty of Tufts Veterinary Field Service collaborates with veterinary school colleagues on our North Grafton campus to provide coordinated care to clients with extremely complicated medical issues requiring care at a referral hospital. 

Additionally, Tufts Veterinary Field Service has several board-certified veterinarians specializing in chiropractic, reproductive, dairy and large animal medicine in residence at its Woodstock, CT location.

We also offer advanced reproductive technology, with a veterinarian on staff who is certified by the American Embryo Transfer Society.

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