What To Do If You Found Sick or Injured Amphibians

About Amphibians

Spotted Salamander

Massachusetts is home to 11 species of salamanders and 10 species of frogs and toads. Learn more about these animals using the links below. The most common reason for an amphibian to be brought to Tufts Wildlife Clinic is an injury caused by a dog or cat or some other form of trauma. If you have an injured amphibian, here are some important points to keep in mind:

  • Amphibian skin is very sensitive and delicate. Avoid touching the amphibian with bare hands.
  • Amphibian skin is sensitive to drying out. The best way to transport an amphibian is in a container with a moistened towel placed on the bottom. Be sure to cover the top of the container.
  • If you cannot transport the frog or salamander to Tufts Wildlife Clinic immediately or if the Clinic is not open, keep the frog, toad, or salamander in a warm, quiet place in the covered container until you are able to bring it to the Clinic. For further assistance on Transport, please refer to the "Who to Call for Help" section on this page.
  • It is not necessary to try to feed the frog, toad, or salamander, and it is best not to try to treat any injury you might observe.

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